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Women in Project Management at "PM Summit 2016"

Dr Martina Ryan, will be presenting her latest research findings on women in Project Management at the PM Summit 2016.

21 Jul 2016
Women in Project Management at "PM Summit 2016"

The Institute of Project Management Ireland (IPMI) is offering a discount code to our readers who wish to attend the PM Summit 2016.

PM Summit is a unique gathering of value to anyone interested in Project/Programme Management, whether they are current practitioners or aspiring project managers. 

To avail of the discount Visit the PM Summit website and enter the promotional code: IPMIMember092016

Key Speaker – Women in Project Management

Dr Martina Ryan, a senior faculty member of the Institute of Project Management, will be presenting her latest research findings on women in Project Management at the PM Summit 2016.

For the last 13 years, the Institute has been conducting an annual survey of practitioners who undertake training with them. Practitioners are invited to complete a survey covering topics such as education level achieved, current experiences of working within the discipline of Project Management, attitude to the importance of Project Management certification, compensation and work hours, satisfaction with job/career, and career progression prospects.

Martina's presentation builds on the findings of a recent publication based on the 2014 annual survey, which specifically examined the responses in the context of the role of Women in PM in Ireland.

Survey of Practitioners 2014

The 2014 survey provided some interesting insights into the role of women in Project Management in Ireland.

  • The results indicate that all is not equal concerning women's role in Project Management, with women being under-represented in the profession (41%) versus their male counterparts.
  • Compared to their male counterparts, women are more likely to be employed as project management professionals in service-type industries, working on shorter, lower monetary value projects, in non-dedicated project management roles, on a national or international level.
  • Women are also more likely to be remunerated at a lower level, despite being more likely to be educated to a higher level.

This Presentation updates its findings based on the 2015 survey results. It also attempts to interpret how the data trends compared to the previous surveys conducted by the Institute in its 13-year longitudinal study and comment on how the role of women in project management will evolve with an improving national economic environment.

About Dr. Martina Ryan

Dr Martina Ryan

Dr Martina Ryan is a successful and dynamic transformational leader with more than 20 years of industry experience in Project Management, Lean/6-Sigma and Quality Management as a practitioner, leader, instructor and mentor. As a faculty member of the Institute of Project Management Ireland, Martina contributes to developing and delivering the Certified Project Management Diploma, Strategic Project Diploma & PMP Passport training and certification programmes offered by the Institute.